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Wednesday 15 June 2011

The problem of Water Scarcity and ways to overcome it

I have been researching on the problem of water scarcity lately and I believe it is an urgent problem that everyone should be concerned with.  The problem of water scarcity is as urgent as the problem of increasing carbon footprint or of energy depletion. 

Therefore, I came up with a set of recommendations which will help to implement a water management policy. This water management policy will promote the conservation of water which will also help businesses to comply with principle 8 of the UN global compact.
Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility

For water scarce countries like South Africa where water is becoming an increasingly limited natural resource, such a recommendation will be very beneficial.
The aims of this recommendation are to:
1.  Overcome water scarcity

2. Reduce water pollution 
3.  Prevent water overuse

Firstly, businesses will have to provide water data disclosure, to locate the parts in their supply chain where the use  of water can be minimized.  Furthermore, the recommendation includes the application of alternative water sources.  For example, recycling waste water, by using treated waste water obtained from industrial waste water or from the city waste water treatment plants to wash away dust on construction sites or to cool down power plants. 
The second alternative is to use seawater wherever accessible.  In fact, raw seawater has become the new choice for big mining companies located in coastal regions. 
 The third option is to capture rainwater on-site. By installing rainwater harvesting tanks like the one in the picture below:
Now I will talk about the lessons learnt of several companies which have implemented a water management policy. 
The first example is Barrick gold mine which has excellent water reporting practices and a very comprehensive water accounting. Furthermore, it has implemented the industrial rainwater harvesting system as well as maximizing the use of seawater and recycled waste water in activities like dust suppression and excavation. Eventually in 2010, 31 percent of its water use was salt water.
De Beers has been implementing this water management policy to ensure that its daily water consumption does not adversely affect the local communities.  In 2008,its partner Debswana has achieved a 35% reduction in water consumption.
The next positive lesson learnt is Calpine power plant’s initiative to recycle waste water.   Calpine (Minnesota) has been using the Mankato city's treated wastewater to cool down its power generators, and has also provided funds to improve the City’s treatment system that cleans both the water that is used in the power plant and the water that the City discharges into the river. Overall, the discharge to the river is cleaner hence reducing water pollution.
Benefits of this recommendation to the business would be:
1.  Achieving sustainability by reducing dependence on main water supplies.
2.  Gaining a good reputation for its responsible water consumption practices.
3.  Saving money since there is a lesser need to clean polluted water sources. 
This recommendation can significantly save water, to ensure that there is more clean water for the local communityIt will also help to preserve the ecosystem.
However, it is very likely that not all three water saving strategies are feasible for all the businesses.  Therefore, from each companies’ water data disclosure, and environmental inspection like the distance from the sea or the frequency of rainfall, the companies will have to evaluate which alternative water source suits them best.
There is also the risk that companies refuse to cooperate, therefore it is important  that the participating companies encourage these reluctant companies to examine their corporate water issues and emphasize the advantages that better water management can present.
Another issue is the cost of implementing such a project.  This challenge can be overcome by gathering several companies to collaborate and fund a central water saving system from which they can all benefit.  Since, the cost of implementing this system is shared there will be less financial pressure on each company.
'Water Scarcity is a concern for all!
It is our duty to preserve our fresh water resources, to ensure that there is potable water for all communities and for future generations as well.
For a better world^_^

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