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Saturday 14 February 2015

Pursuit of Happiness

'Happiness' is such a vague term but has vast meanings at the same time.

'Happiness' has so many different meanings for each of us.

What is Happiness?

Feeling like a fluffy cloud which is so light that you can float high up in the air like a balloon filled with helium and feeling like you don't have a care in the world (Note: I'm not saying that you have to take drugs to achieve this feeling. Please don't misunderstand.)


Happiness can be felt after making a big achievement after working very hard on something extremely meaningful to you.


Happiness is the feeling you have when you spend time with the one or the ones you love.

Some people find the most happiness in material things like money, luxury and all the tralala...etc

Happiness can be having a new member to your family.

Happiness can be eating your favorite dessert.

Happiness can be simply having a place to call home.

For the time being my definition of 'Happiness' is simply finding a job which I really like and which does not depress me every single day...

Hopefully I can find it soon.

I'm sure there are many people in the same situation as me so I wish you all the best in finding your dream job.

Hwaiting!! Fighting !!

I need lots of 'fighting' too, especially these days...

I seem to be running out of energy...

See you for another post.



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