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Tuesday 29 July 2014

Drama review of Doctor Stranger Ep 19

This episode starts with Han Jae Joon revealing to the Director that he is Lee Sung Hoon the boy who promised to get revenge from him 20 years ago.  Hearing that the director collapses to the ground due to the shock which led to a heart failure.  Soo Hyun finally gets the spare key to open the door to her father's office to see him lying flat on the ground motionless.  Soo Hyun shouts to the secretary to prepare an operation room for her father.  Just before leaving the room, Soo Hyun tells Han Jae Joon that she will never forgive him.

Park Hoon is the one operating on Soo Hyun's father's heart.  He tells her that her father will be fine and that she can leave the room if she is feeling too nervous.

Soo Hyun goes to see Han Jae Joon to scold him for almost causing her father's death.
Han Jae Joon tells her that how she is feeling right now is exactly how he felt 20 years ago when his parents died due to Oh Joon Kyu.  However, Soo Hyun does not want to hear anything and tells Han Jae Joon to leave the hospital immediately.

Han Jae Joon leaves the hospital with a heavy heart as a realizes that he still loves Soo Hyun despite his hate towards what her father had done to his parents.

Han Jae Joon goes to see Park Hoon before leaving but the latter asks him why he chose to take revenge.
Han Jae Joon replies back that he had been dying to do it for 20 years but his revenge failed in the end. Park Hoon tells him that he did not fail, rather he chose to give up because he loves Soo Hyun.
Park Hoon asks him to tell the truth to Soo Hyun about trying to do CPR on the Director to save him so that she doesn't misunderstand and hate him all her life.

Han Jae Joon tells Park Hoon to take care of Soo Hyun because he is leaving the hospital.  Park Hoon refuses by saying that he found Jae Hee and can't have another woman on his mind.  Han Jae Joon then asks him to take care of Soo Hyun as a friend.

Soo Hyun'a father finally wakes up and asks where Han Jae Joon is.  Soo Hyun tells her father to forget about him because Han Jae Joon just stood there without doing anything to help him when he had collapsed.  However, the Director tells her that Han Jae Joon saved his life by performing CPR on him.
Soo Hyun goes chasing after Han Jae Joon but the latter had already left.

On Mr Kim's side, he is informed that the body of Cha Jin Soo hasn't been found... (Me: Cha Jin Soo is probably still alive.  That scoundrel can't have died that easily.  I am sure that he will make his comeback soon)

Effectively, Cha Jin Soo is alive and is searching around Jae Hee's apartment but there is no one there.

The next day, Soo Hyun is elected as the new Director of Myung Woo hospital.  She chooses Dr Moon to be the new head of the thoracic surgery department which delights him.

Soo Hyun calls Park Hoon and tells him about her conversation with Jae Hee.  She tells him that Jae Hee knew about the kidney transplant that Park Hoon made on her a long time ago and that Jae Hee is trying to push Park Hoon towards Soo Hyun.

Park Hoon goes to see Jae Hee to ask her why she lied to him.  But Jae Hee tells him that it doesn't matter whether she lied or not because she still feels guilt and misery every time she thinks that she is holding her father's kidney which caused his death in her body.  (Me: This is part of the plot is running too much in circles...I think that it's becoming too repetitive...come on how many times is Park Hoon going to see Jae Hee and each time Jae Hee is going to make him feel guilty and awful for saving her life in exchange of her father's life.)

Park Hoon then turns on the recorded message that Jae Hee had sent to him previously.  In the recording, Jae Hee was telling Park Hoon how much she cherishes the time she has spent with him and how much she felt happy that he had hugged her...
Park Hoon asks Jae Hee again to tell him if she loves him or not while looking into his eyes...
Finally Jae Hee admints that she loves him and that she thought about leaving happily together with him...
(Me: I don't like this part at all.... >< I just don't want them to end up together...All this time, I feel like I've been misled and tricked by the scriptwriter to believe that Park Hoon might have feelings for Soo Hyun )

Then we get to see a flashback of Jae Hee while she was imprisoned in a cell in North Korea.  Cha Jin Soo was the one who held his hand out to help her get out of the cell.  Jae Hee tells Park Hoon that she regrets making this choice because she only thought about seeing Park Hoon again without realizing that she was putting him at risk.

Park Hoon decides to convince Mr Kim to side with them; but Mr Kim tells him that he is just a soldier who values loyalty to his master.

Jae Hee tries to bargain with Premier Jang Suk Joo to release Park Hoon's mother in exchange of doing the President's surgery.  Jae Hee succeeds in convincing Jang Suk Joo and Park Hoon is reunited with his mother again.  (Me: I feel like I'm losing interest in this drama starting from this episode...I'm a bit bored by the turn of events...but since there are only two episodes left before the drama ends...I'll just be patient and finish watching and reviewing it ^^'')

But Park Hoon and his mother are reunited only for a short while as Mr Kim takes Hoon's mother away after she had dinner with her son.

Park Hoon plans to meet the President and tell him about Jang Suk Joo's evil plans.  However, Hoon suggests that they get Oh Soo Hyun's help to approach the President.

The next day, the President arrives at Myung Woo hospital with his escort of bodyguards to visit Jang Suk Joo.  The President tells Jang Suk Joo that he would like to meet Park Hoon since he is the surgeon who will operate his heart.  Jang Suk Joo tricks the President by telling him that Park Hoon does not know that he will be operating on the President and to avoid that the words spread, it is better not to meet Park Hoon.  

The President still decides to tour the hospital.  However, Jang Suk Joo asks Mr Kim to keep an eye on Park Hoon and Han Seung Hee, fearing that they might say something unfavorable to him to the President.

During the tour, Park Hoon passes by the President rapidly and just after that Mr Kim loses sight of Park Hoon.  In fact, prior to the arrival of the President, Jae Hee has asked Soo Hyun to help Park Hoon meet the President because he has something important to tell him.

Soo Hyun takes the President to meet Park Hoon in an office but just as Park Hoon was going to tell about Jang Suk Joo, the latter rushes in to interrupt the conversation.  Park Hoon doesn't get the chance to talk privately to the President but while shaking hands with him, he steals the chance to listen to the President's heart.

Jang Suk Joo is furious at Mr Kim for letting Park Hoon meet the President and putting his plan at risk.
The President calls Jang Suk Joo on the phone to inform him that he would like to change hospital because Myung Woo hospital doesn't seem right since its Director is ill and his son is in jail.

On the other hand, Mr Kim is having second thoughts on what he has been doing for Jang Suk Joo all this time.

Jae Hee is nervous that Park Hoon wasn't able to talk to the President and that the latter has decided to switch hospital.  However, Park Hoon calmly replies that the President cannot go anywhere else for his surgery because he is the only one who can do it.
Park Hoon calmly tells Jang Suk Joo that the President can't change hospital because he has only 1 week left to live and he cannot get a heart transplant because imuno suppressants would be fatal to him.
Park Hoon knows that the only method to save the President is the SAVER technique (reconstruction of the left heart chamber) which is a highly risky procedure.

The President is finally aware that there is only one person who has successfully achieved the SAVER surgery and this person is Park Hoon.  Eventually just like Park Hoon has guessed, the President calls Jang Suk Joo to tell him that finally he will have his surgery at Myung Woo hospital.

The President decides to have his surgery tomorrow but he suddenly feels a pain in his chest and needs to lie down.  Park Hoon decides to begin the surgery immediately because the President's condition is alarming.

As soon as the President faints, Jang Suk Joo doesn't lose any time to seize this opportunity to apply the clause 71 which allows him to take the role of the President as long as the latter is unconscious.
Park Hoon's team is ready to start the surgery.  Except for Jae Hee and Park Hoon, none of the other team members are aware that the one on whom they are operating is the President.

Meanwhile, Jang Suk Joo is holding a meeting with the other members of the parliament to decide what they should do in case the President cannot make it back.  They decide to apply the law which is to allow the Premier Jang Suk Joo to take the President's role if the latter cannot return.

Later Park Hoon announces to Jang Suk Joo that the he has completes the surgery successfully.  Mr Kim informs the Jang Suk Joo that the President is being kept in a coma by the anesthetics.   Jang Suk Joo repeats all his evil plans to Mr Kim while the President is unconscious on the hospital bed.
However, the President wakes up suddenly as soon as Jang Suk Joo has finished his speech.  Jang Suk Joo stares in disbelief at the awakened President, while Jae Hee and Park Hoon enter the room with bodyguards by their side.

Me: Hum looks like the story is already over for Jang Suk Joo...
One last episode and the story will end.

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