Thursday, 27 August 2015

How's your 'Work Life'?

Hello World

It's been quite a while since I last wrote something for my blog.
Well I am back with this topic called 'Work Life'
The majority of people on Earth need to work to make a living.  But how do you find your work life experience?  Is it enjoyable? Is it stressful? Is it hateful? Is it boring? Is it tiring? Is it exciting?
There are so many expressions which can be used to describe your work life.
Still, the feeling about work might be different depending on the situation or event or environment or other external/internal factors.
Many times, we might feel like our work life is testing our patience especially when it is a job that you don't really enjoy...
You know that you don't really like your job when you feel like there are other things you would rather do than this work...
I wonder if it is the same for everyone...?
How many rare cases exist of people who enjoy their work?
The answer is probably: 'either you are a millionaire / billionaire / royalty or working in your dream job'.
Many people nowadays don't even know what career they want for themselves and study various fields and finally end up doing something completely different from what they studied for and feel unhappy in their job.
Maybe, it's always been like this and people don't really know what job they want for themselves...
It's not like it's written in your DNA that you should go for this or that career.
...seriously, looking for the job of your dream is like asking yourself what should I do with my life!?
What's our goal for living?
Our life might seem short but at the same time long...I mean it seems long when we feel like we are doing the same boring or uninteresting thing everyday and it might seem short when we are in a rush or when we are doing things we enjoy and which end too soon according to us.
But time does seem to go by too fast...If you look at life in a pessimistic or less optimistic way, you'll see that each birthday which passes reminds you that you are nearing the end...
So what should we do to make this life feel worthwhile!?
I don't know about you, but that's a big question I sometimes ask myself...
You know Van Gogh, the great artist whose need for self-actualization was so strong that he forgot about his fundamental physiological needs and only focused on his art which was the most crucial and important thing for him.
Well, Van Gogh's case might be too extreme of an example, but what I am trying to say is that Van Gogh's passion and reason to live was to paint.
But not everyone has a clear idea of their life goal.
Sure there are various life goals that our human society generalized for all but it's also due to our genetic drive to survive.  It is wired somewhere in our brain that we need to live and to do that we need to earn a living somehow...that's how the existence of a 'job' came about, I guess...-__-
So many of us are simply programmed to work although we don't like the job...we mainly work because it is a requirement and not a choice.
But the World of work is not easy at all...honestly I think it is so twisted, shrewd and nonsensical that it is somehow comparable to Alice's Wonderland.  The various things that happen at work often bring you to a momentary standstill to think 'How the heck did I land in a place/situation like this?'
There are so many times that we feel like quitting our job because we just can't take it anymore...but we still don't quit because there's that part of you which is scared that you won't survive if you lose this job...that little voice could it be fear or your survival instinct...?
Lol you might find my rambling strange and pointless but I'm just writing out some of my thoughts ^^'' and just reflect on them while maybe I am a budding 'Philosopher' >_<
I want to write more, but I've got to go now.

I know this post does not really have a point or make sense, it's just a bunch of words brought together to form sentences which do not necessarily form a coherent article.  But maybe you can still find this post interesting to read ;P You might come up with different point of views while reading this post.
Ok bye bye for now ;)

Ciao ciao

Kalin Lyfe

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