Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Narrated Mini Story titled: LUCK (English Subbed)

Hello dear Viewers

I am back with my 2nd mini story video.
I hope you like it and don't find it too boring ^^''
I actually came up with this short story while I was eating breakfast one day.  Don't ask me where the inspiration came from...I don't know...some random stories just crop up in my mind sometimes ^^'' Lol  Some stories I come up with don't really make sense...maybe they only make sense to me ^^'' hahaha

There are other stories which I have written down as well...hopefully I'll find the time to draw and make videos for those stories too...

Making videos for stories take much more time than simply making a drawing video.  Because creating a story video includes several steps:

1)  Writing the story
2)  Story boarding & drawing the frames
3)  Recording the narration
4)  Synchronizing the narration with the frames
5)  Editing

This video has very simplistic visuals but I have to admit that it took me some time to make ^^''  Still, I enjoyed making this video.  Hopefully, my videos will improve with time ^^

By the way, I don't know your opinion about 'Luck' but I guess this video represents how I perceive it.  You'll probably think that my point of view is cynical and pessimistic but you'll have to admit that in many situations 'Luck' will definitely not appear to help the people in need.  Maybe I was in cynical mood on the day when I came up with this story ^^''

Anyway, please like, share & subscribe for more.

Thank you so much for watching

Copyright (C) 2015 Kalin Lyfe
All rights reserved

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