Sunday, 29 June 2014

Drama review for 'Wild Romance'


welcome to Alice Chronicle :)
I enjoy watching dramas and I will be sharing my perspective on different dramas I've seen through this blog.

The drama to be reviewed today is Wild Romance ^^

This drama is about baseball... why would I watch a drama about baseball seriously?  I don't even understand the sport... (This sport is not practiced in my country... and it's not a popular sport where I live) I watched all the episodes though O_o
No just kidding, the drama is not just about baseball, but it is centered around baseball and not being able to practice the sport.
Baseball (Yagu) is really popular in S.Korea, they have national baseball teams with fervent supporters and all.
Well, the main character Park Moo Yeol is a Baseball Pro from the Red Dreamers team.
The girl lead 'Eun Jae' works as a bodyguard and is a diehard supporter of Blue Seagulls which is the rival team of the Red Dreamers.  (It's hard to believe that a girl with such a small frame can be a bodyguard...seriously...but that's why it's just a drama...).

I started watching this drama because the summary of the drama piqued my interest and somehow I've been looking for dramas starring Hong Jong Hyun & Lee Dong Wook ^^'' Lol  The last drama with Lee Dong Wook I saw was My Girl (A romantic comedy) with quite an interesting plot.  While the last series with Hong Jong Hyun is the sitcom 'Vampire Idol' and the minidrama 'Her lovely heels'.

I like interesting plots which are original, creative and out of the ordinary.  Just like this one for Wild romance; the beginning itself is like funny crazy and so uncommon.  This must be one of the reasons I liked 'My Love from another star' very much.  Of course the acting has to be great too.

But Wild Romance cannot be compared to 'My love from another star'. The genre is different, the premise is different.  Still I would recommend this drama, it is sincere and has several funny parts.
Especially the parts between Kim manager and Eun Jae's friend:

The mysterious parts:
One mysterious character manipulated the other characters' inner feelings to get them to do really bad things. Somehow, it's similar to a thriller or psychological drama.  Throughout the drama, I've been suspecting everyone while trying to guess who is the real culprit behind the many incidents.  This must be one of the reasons why I kept on watching till the end ^^''
Then when the culprit was revealed, it was interesting to understand the latter's point of view.

Overall impression:
Overall the story was original and well written and the acting was convincing.  But still there are holes in the plot which I could have been skipped and others which leave us with a vague conclusion.
For instance, I think the part with 'Eun Jae's mother who abandonned her family and came back so many years later' was not necessary.  I  understand that it is a background story of Eun Jae but I think it does not bring much to the story.  It would not have made much difference if that part was played differently; for instance if the mother did not come back again it would not have made much difference.

Another part of the story which remains vague to me is the character Seo Yoon Yi's origin...

Firstly, I still wonder how is he related to the criminal?  Is he the latter's son or just a bait for Park Moo Yeol?
Secondly did Seo Yoon Yi die when he was fed that poison by the criminal?

Effectively, no clarifications were given concerning Seo Yoon Yi...

Moreover, does the criminal use hypnosis?  If not, then how did the latter get one of the victims to destroy a whole gallery of paintings without remembering what she did the day after?

Apart from that, I was surprised to know that the main actress was actually the one who acted in Athena and Playful kiss.  The difference that the ahjumma hairstyle can make to one's image is really surprising:

Lee Si Young in 'Playful kiss'

Lee Si Young in 'Wild Romance'
Moreover, Jessica from SNSD also acted in this drama...I have to admit that I find her character weird and annoying...  Although she is an adult, she acts childishly at times which makes her not such a like-able character.  It's actually difficult to understand such a character and the reasons behind her actions... or whether her actions are genuine...  I actually think that she does not like Park Moo Yeol in the story...

Anyway, the story ended well and the criminal was caught.
The story does teach us a lesson i.e. to make the best out of your youth days or else you might regret when you grow old...because you will not be able to return back to those days...

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